Save the new source file if necessary and make sure SDL. Cannot open include file: The problem with this method is if you have multiple SDL apps that use different versions of SDL, you'll have version conflicts. Copy the contents of the lib subfolder to the MinGW lib folder. Setting up these environments is documented at: How do I avoid creating stdout.
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For the latest information see http: I'll post back if I have any more issues. Read the file "VisualC. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.
D I don't know how I mimgw that. This can be unset by pushing Advanced from the General tab of the properties window and unchecking Encrypt contents check box. Go to the project settings.
The files can then be copied normally. Make sure that you are declaring main as: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Alternatively, you can copy SDL. There are also step by step instructions at: WinCE in sd,2 source archive for more information. Ah, I wasn't aware of that.

If you have Dsl2 1. You're going to put this in the same directory as your exe when you compile it. How do we handle problem users? It explains everything needed:.
MSYS2 + MinGW 環境に SDL2 をインストール - takayaの備忘録
It explains everything needed: The display pixels pointer does not change, the display depth does not change, etc. If you have problems, please contact the author of the tutorial. I've seen a couple of sites that have minw or svl2, the same method re-publishedbut I'd rather not have a "quick 'n dirty" setup. Otherwise the debugger will be unable to trace exceptions, and other debugging features like run to cursor won't work.
No such file or directory" You need to install the platform SDK, as described here: Now take the SDL.
Man, thanks a ton. The tutorial is here.
FAQWindows - SDL Wiki'
Make sure you do this with all projects that you link into your sdl22. When you're compiling with gcc, you need to make sure the output of sdl-config follows your source file on the command line: Or if you don't know how to accept the answer you should read the FAQ stackoverflow.

See the Linux FAQ for more details on building applications in this environment. Asked 7 years, 10 months ago.
Under the Link tab, paste: Choose "gui application" instead of "console application" when compiling for Vista. How do I avoid creating stdout.
After that, open the include subfolder in the archive and extract mingq folder named "SDL" to the MinGW include folder, which should be at C:
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